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II 2025 II 2024 II 2023 II 2022 II  2021 II  2020 ll  2019 ll 2017 II  2016  II  2015  II  2014  II  2013  II  2012  II  2011  II 

2025-03 BK21 International Training Program Progress Seminar of Geonho Cho - KAWANO Lab, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan

2025-02 Graduation of Mina Lee, Jingyeong Yun, Eunhye Kim and Undergraduate students - Incheon, South Korea

2024-12 End of Year Meeting - Incheon, South Korea

2024-11 Lab-on-a-Chip Conference - Tokyo, Japan

2024-11 KSME Fall Meeting and International Symposium - Jeju Island, South Korea

2024-09 KSBB Fall Meeting and International Symposium - Jeju Island, South Korea

2024-8 The 26th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2024) - Daegu, South Korea

2024-07 Graduation of Deborah Lee and Seoyoon Song - Incheon, South Korea

2024-07 Lab Lunch - Incheon, South Korea

2024-07 NANO Korea - KINTEX, South Korea

2024-06 BSL Lab Lunch - Incheon, South Korea

2024-05 Teacher`s Day  - Incheon, South Korea

2024-04 KSBB Spring Meeting and International Symposium - Changwon, South Korea

2024-04 Professor Jeon's meeting with the Dean of Pharmacy at Sydney University - Sydney, Australia

sydney university april.jpg

Professor Lifeng Kang, Deborah Lee, Professor Tae-Joon Jeon and Professor Andrew McLachlan

2024-03 BSL Lab Lunch - Incheon, South Korea

2024-01 Business Trip to Nagoya University - Nagoya, Japan

2023-12 BSL End of Year Meeting - Incheon, South Korea

2023-11 WISET - Korea Foundation for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology  - Seoul, South Korea

Grand Prize

2023-10 KSBB Fall Meeting and International Symposium - Busan, South Korea

2023-08 Graduation Ceremony of BSL Members

2023-06 2023 International Joint Symposium Of Inha University and ETH Zurich - Incheon, South Korea

2023-05 Teacher`s Day - Incheon, South Korea

2023-04 5PM Meeting Lab Lunch Time - Incheon, South Korea

2023-04 KSBB Spring Symposium  - Jeju Island, South Korea

2023-02 67th BPS Annual Meeting - San Diego, California, USA

2023-02 Graduation Ceremony of BSL Members

Dr. Huisoo Jang received his PhD degree. Congratulations Dr. Jang! 

Gun Ko received his MSc degree. Congratulations ! 

Zhaowei Li received his MSc degree. Congratulations ! 

Ju Min Lee received her MSc degree. Congratulations ! 

BSL interns got their Bachelor`s degrees. Congratulations and Welcome to BSL for graduate studies! 

2023-01 BK21 & MOC 기초연구실(BRL) 첨단바이오테크놀로지 워크숍

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